Monday, November 29, 2010


Memory is the interplay of encoding, storage and retrieval of information over time.  There are three stages  to the processing of  information into memory: Encoding, storage, and retrieval.  Encoding has five parts to it:
1.Rehearsal, the conscious repetition of information over time to increase the length of time that information stays in memory. 
2.Deep Processing is when you think about information deeply and the pattern makes sense.
3. Elaboration, the extensiveness of information processing involved in memory such as thinking of examples to elaborate on information. 
4.Constructing images, this is when you imagine a visual representation to help you remember and last of all,
5. Organization, when students organize information while their memory encodes it their memory benefits. 
 The way memory is stored can be classified in three types: sensory memory, short term, and long term memory.  Sensory Memory holds information from the world original moment and for only an instant.  Short Term information is retained at most for 30 seconds and long term memory hold enormous amounts of information for long periods of time.  The last stage of memory is retrieval this stage has 3 types:
1. Cue-dependent forgetting, is when you learn something you give it a label when you go to remember you have for forgotten the cue.
2. Interference theory, the new stuff you have learned is getting in the way of the old stuff you have learned. and,
3.  The decay theory, knowledge you have stored is not used so it begins to decay.

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