Cognitive information- processing emphasizes that students manipulate information, monitor it and strategize about it. One way to think about cognitive information- process is to think of the mind as a computer; the 3 functions a computer preforms are:
Input, information going into the computer system,
Storage, the brain organizes and stores the information and,
Output, the brain is able to to retrieve and use the information that was stored. One important fact to remember about cognitive information-processing is that it deals with the return or retreat inward meaning it is concern with the internal and a very individual approach.
The main Characteristics of the information-processing and approach described by Robert Siegler:
Thinking- the processing of information
Change Mechanisms- there are 4 main mechanism to create changes in students
Encoding- taking raw information and encoding it within your system
Automaticity- the process of something becoming automatic, when we can think,
or perform a cognitive activity with out thinking about it
Strategy construction - doing thing consciously and finding effective and efficient way to processing
Transfer- is when we can apply knowledge, learning, info from one situation to another.
Self-modification-how we can change our own developmental active process.
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